Friday, August 1, 2008

The Jason and Jed Show

Can't forget about Wake and the bullpen, but what a BIG win tonight. Yeah, so it was against the A's and sure, it was at Fenway, but considering all the struggles and crap from the past few days - We'll take it! Jason Bay getting on base (3 times) and Jed with the RBIs knocking him in for a 2-1 win in 12 innings. Now, they don't televise NESN here in Texas and no, I didn't pay the bucks for Extra Innings or MLB.TV (even though they have a 5 day trail offer right now), but I did pay for the radio access on, and Dale said it all tonight in his final call on WRKO..."Lowrie hustles....and he's safe! Red Sox win!" That's right, he hustled. So did Bay when he was on base the couple of times during the game (first to third on a hit and run) Now, you got to ask yourself....what would Manny have done?

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